Wednesday, August 14, 2013

CIS 120: Homework - Blog Post!

For my Computer concepts class, I read an article at the link I listed below and answer the following questions:

1.  Is professor Grossman off the mark when he says “I tell my classes that if they just do what they are supposed to do and meet the standard requirements, that they will earn a C,” he said. “That is the default grade. They see the default grade as an A.” why?

I feel that yes, he is off the mark. I agree that students should have to earn their grade in every class. I think if a student does everything the teacher asks them to do, at an A level, they deserve an A. Unless the teacher expects us to read his/her mind and come up with extra work to bump themselves up to an A... not sure how else it would be possible if everything they asked for only gives us a C. 

2.  What do you think is causing students to feel entitled to receive a good grade? Is it because a grade of A is now the expected default for "average" work where in reality a grade of A denotes "above average"?  Are the students prior experiences in high school or earlier the cause?  Are parents to cause "my child is perfect so it must be the instructors fault"?  

This question is hard for me to answer because i don't feel average work deserves an 'A'. A 'C' is average and, therefore, average work deserves a 'C'. If a student does feel that way, then yes I feel that something from their childhood, school years or parental influence causes this feeling. No one deserves an 'A' for average work. If any parent is thinking, "My child is perfect so it must be the instructors fault", then their thinking is seriously flawed. No one is perfect and in most cases, the teacher, the one with the experience and education, is going to be right. 

3.  Give your honest opinion of the article.  Do you feel you deserve grades based on your effort or is it that you earned the grade you receive because of your effort?  Anything else you would like to add?

I feel a person earns grades based on their effort. If effort alone counted in college, then people would think that's the case once they hit the real world. "Well boss, I tried to make it to work this week. I tried really hard, but I just couldn't make it in." I highly doubt the boss is going to say, "Well, you're effort is all that counts here!" A ridiculous example, but one that applies. Things that are deserved in life, still have to be earned. That's the way it goes. Any anyone who thinks things like good grades are going to fall into their lap is going to be seriously disappointed. Also, if teachers are just handing out 'A's' for effort, the student may not actually be learning anything. Then that student graduates and gets a job and has no idea what they are doing. All in all, grades need to be earned and are not deserved based on effort alone.

My favorite places and places I want to go!

here are different places in Oregon that I love to travel to:

1. Oregon Coast:
Lincoln City and Newport are among the best places on the Oregon coast! With the Oregon Coast Aquarium, the Wax Museum and the vast miles of open beaches, it rates #1 for Oregon beaches in my book.
Here are some pictures!
this is Lincoln City on an overcast day.
I love overcast weather at the beach! Get in a sweater and some jeans and scour the coast for shells!
Here's a semi sunny day at the beach. As you can see, even a partially sunny day on the Oregon coast brings out the people and fun activities!
Here is a beautiful picture of Newport, Oregon. The arena offers boat and toy rentals!
here is a picture of the Aquina Head lighthouse in Newport, Oregon. One of my favorite places to visit if you like looking at old Oregon history.

2. Cougar Hot Springs, Oregon:
I love visiting Cougar Hot Springs which is about 35 miles East of Eugene, Oregon. Especially in the winter months! dip into a nice hot tub full of fresh water that you can see coming out of the side of the mountain and look up at the stars. Very relaxing!

As you can see the hot springs are very secluded and very natural looking. It's about a half mile hike out and clothing optional... so maybe not so kid friendly. :)

3. Portland, Oregon:
Just the people watching in Portland alone is worth the trip! Not to mention the shopping, sightseeing and even history tours you can take there.

  If you're looking for something a little less rural than the beach or the hot springs, as you can see, Portland is the place to be! with over a million people including all suburbs, Portland has everything you would want to do!
Rose Garden. You can watch basketball games from the Portland Trail Blazers. Or a concert by your favorite singer at the Rose Garden!